The difference between a forced wrongful confession in a criminal case,when the person was miserable mishandled

August 8, 2014


someone please in this vast legal world we must function in tell what I am asking above, when the persons case in a medical malpractice case
has an legal advocate that so ruins the case, and forces the plaintiff in
a dismissmal, much the same as aforementioned in a unlawful confession, and the persons is wrongly imprisoned by those actions,
should not the plaintiff in the med mal case be given a chance for civil
action against that legal enitity that sentenced her to pain and suffering due do deceit fraud negligence etc?


The analogy to a "forced confession" in a criminal context is probably misplaced, but If your med mal case was dismissed on legal grounds, only a careful study of the judge's decision will tell you the reasons for that dismissal. Such decisions can be vacated and/or appealed (within strict timeframes), but the case itself would have to be meritorious. You might want to consider obtaining a copy of the decision, and getting a second opinion. Best of luck.

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