Possible malpractice case

July 16, 2014


Last year i had a very serious bowel obstruction after extensive abdominal surgeries and a very long hospital stay I ended up with a colostomy and a skin graph on my stomach because they were unable to close my stomach due to swelling as a result of the skin graph and how it was done the ostomy pouches that I must use to collect the feces leaks constantly because it can't sit correctly on my stoma because of how the skin graph was done and my skin is now raw and breaking down because of the feces and gastric fluid leaking on to my skin constantly do I have a medical malpractice case?


The only way to know you have a case is for a lawyer to request that your chart is reviewed by a surgeon to determine if there was a "departure" from accepted practice in the way your surgeries were done. What was the error in your treatment? Obviously, you must be in tremendous discomfort, but a bad result doesn't always mean malpractice. Have you sought a second opinion? Has any doctor told you they thought your procedure was "botched"? Have you been told anything by the nurses? Anything like that? To a certain extent, if you can be your own investigator, you may find it more likely that your case will be picked up by a lawyer, because any surgoen who's asked to review your chart will charge a lot.

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