If I ride a mini segway in a parking lot of a business. Are they responsible or am I responsible if I get injured

March 24, 2017


I have a UL certified segway that was made in America that I ride. I went to BJ's and rode my mini segway the 10' one in the parking from my car to the store. When I entered the store I got off and always put my segway in the cart. I never ride it in the store itself. A manger came up and said "I am not allowed to ride those things in the parking lot" now I want to know if I continue to ride then in the parking lot but not in the store. Can I be Banned from the store? And am I responsible for my own personal injuries if I hurt myself in their parking lot? Because I get it if I can't ride in the store. Of course I respect that. But in the parking lot?? I pretty sure I am responsible for my own injuries. Let me know asap thank you


see http://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2014/vat/title-7/article-34-c/

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