I would like know if you can represent me?

March 8, 2018


I went to emergency for a skin disorder and was sugggested my problem could possibly stem from within. So the doctor request a colonoscopy Knowing I had diverticulitis as well as a mass on my intestine. So not to force the scope which they did and ripped my intestine and woke up with a coloncopy bag. It has altered my life forever.


If you had a mass, the purpose of the scope was to see if it was malign. You don't say the reason for the bowel surgery that necessitated the bag, and whether or not it is temporary or permanent....If a malign mass was discovered and it had to be removed, that would explain it. If there was no malign mass, and your bowel was perforated during colonoscopy, you may have the basis for a malpractice case. Get a copy of your Operative Report - it should tell you what happened and what was discovered.

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