Had a stoke due to birth control

January 18, 2018


woke up on 10/17/17 with complete vision loss in left eye went to hospital and was admitted for 3,days doctors could not find problems till 3,weeks later they said my birth control caused me to have a stroke in my eye which has left me permanently blind in left eye and I get really bad migraines I only tons of meds light triggers migraines so I have to wear shades outside I contacted local lawyers but the day there not taking any cases like mine wht can I do I have been healthy up until 10/17/17


Your post raises a lot of questions. Why did it take 3 weeks to diagnose a stroke? Did you actually get it in writing from a cerebrovascular surgeon that the stroke was caused by your birth control? Were you taking the (discontued) OrthoEvra patch? How about Yasmin? Did you have other risk factors for blood clots? The best thing you can do is gather your medical records and take them to a local/upstate medical malpractice attorney. Call the Monroe county bar association for a referral. (585)-546-2130 Best of luck.

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