Can I sue initial e/r hospital after accident for not doing xrays and MRI

September 25, 2014


fell in elevator drop at work. Went to e/r in ambulance. e/r dr. gave me muscle relaxer sent me home. No xray no MRI went to therapy
Couple months later had to have lamenectomy


If you made specific complaints about back pain at the ER and described what happened to you, it's certainly unusual for some imaging not to have been ordered at that time, but presumably an MRI was done later which showed a herniated disc/pinched nerve which necessitated the laminectomy. You don't say if you also had a discectomy. The hospital will argue they didn't cause your back problem; you presented with it, and nothing they failed to do caused this. You might well have a much better case against the elevator maintenance company. Good luck.

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